Saturday, July 4, 2020

Bayou Pigeon Heritage Association Begins New Era

Bayou Pigeon Heritage Association Community Event 

Much thought and discussion went into forming the Bayou Pigeon Heritage Association and how it could / would be supported. When the Diocese closed the St. Joan of Arc church at Bayou Pigeon Church it was completely funded from church fairs and annual sales of crawfish related dishes, bisque.

Bayou Pigeon Heritage Association Mission Statement

The Bayou Pigeon Heritage Association is organized as a 501 c (3) non-profit corporation for the purposes of saving the St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church Complex from abandonment and demolition by the Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge and for preserving and using the said Complex for the preservation, promotion, perpetuation, education and enhancement of the past and present living histories, culture, heritage and folk life of the Swamp Cajuns of Bayou Pigeon, Iberville Parish, and Louisiana.

Nonprofit fundraising 

In 2020 Nonprofit fundraising has entered into an entered a new era. An environment changed by a global pandemic, divisive political times, and social media communication.

With that backdrop the Bayou Pigeon Heritage Association planned and held its first major fund raiser, for the  community,  a community garage / craft sale along with a fried fish dinner sale. Something that the Board of Directors agreed was non-controversial and could be held outside.

A movie night  for kids  was held   prior  to the garage  sale  and was deemed  great success in building community involvement  and promoting the Heritage  Association.

The Garage  Sale / Fish Fry  dinner event, held on  June 27 was an enormous , better than expected economic success.

The  association  was  able to add enough money into our account guaranteeing   we can meet our obligations   well into 2021.

Over 50 people  went into Heritage Hall to check  out our  Heritage Hall  and our Chapel  Room.  By the way  Cindy Vaughn has volunteered to be  the Chair  Person managing  the Chapel room.  Look for good things to happen there bring back a spiritual  aspect to our community.

It looked like  an old time  Pigeon Church  Fair

Event organizers, Chris Settoon, Patty Phillips, and Kristen Settoon and numerous helpers worked very hard to bring as many people from the local community into the event.

Over 15 different booths garage / crafts were available, and the fish fry dinners were prepared by a new generation of Cajun cooks.

Chris Daigle, president of Bayou Pigeon Heritage association, thought what made this event successful, ownership was in hands of local people and a new generation of workers.

Iberville Sheriff Brett Stassi was there greeting people and commented that it had the same atmosphere / show of support of past Bayou Pigeon Church fairs. Which he said everyone in the parish is looking forward to the return of the Bayou Pigeon fairs.

Dean Deslatte of A. Wilbert’s LLC, the landlord of the heritage stopped by and bought lunches, commented they were pleased and that the site looked great and they were very please how things were progressing.

To keep posted of future Bayou Pigeon Heritage events, check the Bayou Pigeon Facebook page on a regular basis, the community is back…

If  anyone has any ideas  for fund raisers use the  "Contact Us' function on the our website to communicate to us.

We know  there is in  excess of 300 hundred  of  follower on the  Bayou  Pigeon  Heritage Association  Facebook page...  and over 800  followers  on the  Pigeon Facebook page.

We could use volunteers  at events, to cut grass, weed eating  and landscaping and power washing especially  the  Pavilion.  Surely there are  brave  Bayou  Pigeon Natives out there that could help.

Use the  'Contact Us' to volunteer to help.

Won't you please help us ...time spent  volunteering  for good causes like perpetuation of the  Chapel Room is not deducted from ones  life  span !

In Bayou  Pigeon  Spirit


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