Calling all Cajun Cooks
The Big Cajun Cooks Are On The Prowl
Bayou Pigeon Heritage Association Pavilion.
39315 La Highway 75, Bayou Pigeon, Louisiana 70764-9629
Registration / Eligibility
Open to general public.
A completed / signed registration form and category selection is required for a complete registration.
Entry fee - $25
Each team must have a designated team captain.
Teams may have up to 4members, at least one team member must be 21 years or older.
All entries must be prepared in as sanitary a manner as possible. All applicable local health codes and guidelines apply.
There are two categories:
• Seafood
• Wild Beast
$250 to 1 st place in each category
1 st place prize = $250 + trophy spoon & hats for each member, 2nd place trophy spoon & hats , 3 rd place trophy spoon & hats.
The cooking can begin as early as you need to. The Pavilion grounds will be open at 6:00 AM.
If entry needed earlier the team must notify one of the cook-off chair persons of the requirement for approval.
Upon entry each team must stop by the registration table to pick up team cooking area assignment / location and BPHA provided items.
Preparation of ingredients can be done offsite, i.e.., including roux and stock. All the actual cooking must be done on the site. Each team must bring their own cooking burner / cook top, prep table and utensils. Each team shall prepare at least 50 – 8 ounce servings available for sale to public (3 gallons).
The BPHA will supply rice and / or pasta unless the team wants to prepare their own.
All entries for judging must be done at 11:00 AM.
Team captains are responsible for bringing 3 samples to designated judging area.
The awards ceremony taking place immediately afterwards.
A score of 0 -100 will be given for each entrée.
The criteria used for judging (100 points possible) will include:
- Appearance of food 30 pts max)
- Taste of food (70 pts max)
The winner from each category will be announced and presented their respective ribbons and prize money.
There will be a judge’s meeting prior to the judging to review / explain judging criteria with the judges.
Judge’s will not be identified publicly before the event. Participants are welcomed to attend judges meeting, but not required to attend.
Judges decisions are final.
Samples / Dishes shall be available for sale to public by 11 am.
Price per bowl / plate to be determined by BPHA the day of event
All proceeds go to the Bayou Pigeon Heritage Association
Food service standards in this Covid 19 pandemic:
All team members shall wear face masks and gloves
Each team shall have a cooking thermometer to ensure that all foods are cooked to the appropriate internal temperature.
Cooking surfaces in the cooking area shall cleaned and sanitized in accordance with standard sanitary procedures using alcohol-based sanitizer as appropriate.
Hand Washing
After sneezing, coughing, or using a handkerchief or tissue
After smoking, eating, drinking, or chewing gum or tobacco
After handling raw meats, poultry, or fish
After any clean up activity such as sweeping, mopping, or wiping counters
After touching dirty dishes, equipment, or utensils
After handling trash
After handling money
After using the toilet
Use warm running water, soap, and dry hands after using toilet / restroom.
In the cooking area, if running water sink / lavatory is not available use an
alcohol based sanitizer for hand washing and paper towels to dry hands.
Do not use product preparation area sinks for hand washing.
Restrict unauthorized people in each team cooking area, no children under the age of 12 in the cooking area, practice social distancing.
No eating food, drinks, gum, cigarettes, in the immediate cooking areas.
Safety / Fire prevention:
Each team suggested to have their own readily available and visible working fire extinguisher.
Minimum suggested is 5lb. ABC.
However, the BPHA will have several 5lb. ABC. Extinguisher posted in the area.
BPHA Wild Beast Cook Off Registration Form:
Team Name:_____________________ Sponsor/s:_________________________________________
Team Leader and / or Head Cook:______________________
Teams can include up to 4 members :
__________________________________ ______________________________________
__________________________________ ______________________________________
Team Mailing Address: City:_______________________ State:______ Zip:__________________
Phone/s: Land Line ________________________ Cell ____________________________
Email: _______________________________
Category: Seafood __________________
Wild Beast _______________
I have read and understand the rules of Bayou Pigeon Heritage association wild beast cookoff and will abide by such rules and give permission to be filmed and photographed at the event for promotional use.
Signature: ________________________________________Date: _____________
Entry Fee : $25 Note: Be prepared to pay fee upon arrival on the day of the event.
Entry option 1: Print form, complete the form, and mail via USPS to:
Bayou Pigeon Heritage Association
P.O. Box 1087
Plaquemine, LA. 70764
Entry option 2: Print the form, complete the form, take a picture of completed form, with your smart phone text to Chris D. - 225 776 4122, Chachie – 225 776 2686 or Joe Richard - 225 268 3278, Chris S 225 776 3816
Entry Option 3: Call one of the chairpersons above and notify one the chairpersons that you / team fully intend to enter the contest and brief description of team and category. Bring the completed form and present the completed form upon arrival at site on or before 7:30 AM.
Cook Off Contest Judges Scorecard
Team Name: _______________________________________________
Entrée: ____________________________________________________
Recipe Available: _________
Seafood ______________________
Wild beast ____________________
Primary Ingredients: __________________________________________
Appearance & Texture: Max score 30 points
Explanatory note: Appearance of food determines the acceptance or rejection of the food before it is tasted. Texture is the way food feels to the touch and the mouth. Score of 30 means no defects.
Examples of what to judge
pleasing eye appeal
appetizing color
is the garnish attractive?
Flavor / Taste: Max. score 70 points
Explanatory note: Flavor is a composite term embracing taste, smell, and mouth feel.
Fried Fish / Seafood / Boiled Seafood - should not be mushy, watery, dried out, or scorched
Seafood / Stews & Smothered wild game - Substandard stews are floury or watery. The meat is often tough, stringy, and skimpy.
Herbs and Spices: Seasonings are designed to bring out and enhance the good, not overpowering
Taste, on the other hand is limited in scope to what your taste buds can detect
Examples of taste:
Sweet; exactly right / too sweet
Sour; exactly right or not applicable
Salty; exactly right / too salty
Bitter; exactly right or not applicable
Appendix A:
Judges’ Comments or explanation for Score:
Guideline lines for point scoring.
Appearance and Texture
30 = Excellent No defect
20 = Slight defect in one of the categories
20 = Fair in all categories
10 = Average in all Categories
5 = Below average in one or more categories
Flavor & Taste
70 = Excellent, exactly right in all appropriate categories
60 = Good in all appropriate categories
50 = Fair in all appropriate categories
40 = Average in all appropriate categories
25 = Below average in appropriate categories
For more information Contact Chris Daigle 225 776 4211 or Chachie 225 776 2686
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