Dear Valued Members :
Your 2021 Charter membership certificates & membership renewal notices went out via March 9 & 10 via USPS first class mail. If you do not receive one in a few days please let us know.
Examples of our very nice and suitable for framing member certificates are attached at bottom of posting.
We are praying that 2021 will be a Happier New Year than 2020. We thank you for your support of The Bayou Pigeon Heritage Association.
Please display your Charter membership certificate proudly.
Last year your membership fees helped get our organization off to a successful start, including:
Cleaning and updating the interior of the former church building into a main event facility available for rent.
Repaired vandalism done to the old activity center/gym
Repaired, updated, and cleaned outdoor pavilion, parking lot, and landscaping
Continued maintenance of the facility and grounds
Rededicated the former chapel to Mary, Our Lady, Queen of Peace
Please consider renewing your membership today.
If you want to mail your renewal, contact any member listed in this posting and we will get you a hard copy renewal form. You can renew your membership on our website,
If you have any questions about the renewal process please contact one of the members of membership committee.
Clifford LeGrange-225-776-2686, Patty Phillips-225-776-1706, Cindy Vaughn-225-776-4083, Chasity Easley-225-776-2844, Danielle Williams-225-776-2977, Dena LoBue-225-229-9773
When this Covid pandemic situation releases we are planning numerous
events to help promote the community of Bayou Pigeon.
Consider asking your friends / relatives to join. Do not underestimate how much an encouraging word from a member will motivate someone else to do the same.
As always, we thank you for your continued support to preserve our heritage. We are looking forward to another exciting year.
Chris Daigle, Chachie LeGrange , Dena H. Lobue, and Danielle H Williams &