Monday, August 24, 2020

‘Our Lady Queen of Peace Shrine’


Blessing of New ‘Our Lady Queen of Peace Shrine’ 

at Bayou Pigeon Heritage Hall  

Sat. Aug. 29, 9:30 Am


Welcome  - Ms  Cindy  Vaughn / Chris Daigle

Opening  Prayer -  Father  Al Davidson

VIP Introductions – Ms.  Cindy  Vaughn

Blessing / Dedication Ceremony -  Fr. Al Davidson

Refreshments / Jambalaya Dinner

Background / History  of  Project:

When the Bayou Pigeon Heritage Association took over the facilities of the old St. Joan of Arc Church parish, one the main topics of discussion how can we keep some aspect of the strong Catholic faith at  Bayou  Pigeon. Can we bring back some part of old  St. Joan of Arc Church  Parish life as part of our organization. 

Immediate  thoughts  went to the existing separate prayer room in the  front  right  corner of the  Building.  What  could be  done  with  that.  

After researching  and talking  with  thoughtful people, The Board of  Directors of The BPHA reached an obvious  conclusion about the use of that room.   It  could be adapted to a religious theme room. The  Diocese left behind  at the church, the Mary Queen of  Peace  statue  from the original Shrine of Our Lady, Queen Of Peace. Another  intuitively  obvious  thought, the  statue  could become  the focal  point  / piece  for the room. 

The original Shrine of Our Lady, Queen Of Peace, at St. Joan of  Arc  Church  lasted 10 years, it was demolished in the year 2000, to make way for the new church.  

To move  forward on this  project Ms. Cindy Vaughn graciously volunteered  to be the chair person  for the restoration of the prayer room and the Board of Directors of the BPHA quickly accepted

Volunteers of the BPHA have been preparing the former Chapel to be  a re-creation  of  Father Mario  Termini’s  Shrine to  Mary.

The  Statue, images, pictures and painting’s from the original Shrine are being used.  Original Chairs in the  shrine  are being refurbished. All this to recreate ambiance of the Original  Shrine.

We are now ready to showcase this  project.

The blessing of this hallowed  room blessing will occur on Saturday Aug 29, at 9:30 A.M. in the shrine room. A free lunch and refreshment will be served after the Blessing.

 The blessing  will be  done  by Father Al Davidson, Pastor of St. Joseph the Worker Church Parish. Parishioners  of  the  former St. Joan  of  Arc  church Parish now officially belong  to St.  Joseph The Worker  Church Parish  of Pierre Part, LA. 

The Blessing is open to General Public , Social Distancing rules  per phase  2 apply  and Face Mask will be required.

That Cajuns love their rosaries, novenas, statues are evident in the many statues of the Mary in  the yards of Bayou Pigeon residents. Their intense devotion to the Blessed Mother is much stronger in South Louisiana than in other areas of the country. 

The Chapel to “Our Lady, Queen of Peace” of Bayou Pigeon, Louisiana, held a special place in the hearts and souls of Catholics at Bayou Pigeon and Iberville Parish. It was immensely popular and best attended houses of worship in Iberville Parish. Many visitors from all over the country came by on tour buses to witness and pray at the Chapel. 

The Our Lady Queen of Peace Shrine room in the Bayou Pigeon Heritage Hall will be / is a quiet place  for all who desire peace  and  solace  for their  souls.  

We pray that all who desire a quiet sanctuary to pray for special intentions and seek solace for their souls will choose  this  shrine. We consider it hallowed ground.

Mary Queen of Peace Be with Us When We Pray, in this hallowed room.

Donations To Maintain  The  Shrine

Rosaries can / are offered for  anyone  and  any intention. 

To have a  rosary offered  for a person or  special intention please complete a Rosary Intention Request available in the  Shrine Prayer  room.

We suggest a stipend of $5  for a rosary for and individual  or  Special intention. 

You can choose to book dates for  your rosary  around special dates or anniversary, etc.To have a  rosary offered  for a person or  special intention please complete a Special Rosary Intention Request available in the  Shrine Prayer  room.

We suggest a stipend of $5  for a rosary for an individual  or  Special intention. 

Enrolled  Will Receive Special Enrollment Card:

Rosary every Tuesday at 10 A.M. and Communion  and  Rosary  every other Tuesday. Unless noted  otherwise on BPHA Web  Site. 


For more information about The  Bayou  Pigeon  Heritage  Association