Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Update on Bayou Pigeon Heritage Association

News  Letter Bayou Pigeon Heritage Association

On Nov. 18, 2019,  after a 18 months of working on  forming Bayou Pigeon Heritage Group  a lease between A. Wilberts LLC  and the donation of the  buildings and non movable  structures owned by the  Catholic Church to the BPHA is complete ... it is a  done  deal.
We own the buildings outright and are now responsible for Insurance, Utilities and Maintenance.

Signed in   the A. Wilberts LLC  office ... Chris Daigle, President of BPHA , Cliff  LeGrange, Dean Deslatte, and Kline Kirby President of  A Wilberts.

Special thanks to Our attorney, Kenneth Blanchard, who carried the ball over the  goal line for us.  His  services were pro bono and without his help I do not know if we  would have made it

Kenny Blanchard on right

We  have meeting this week  (Jan. 9) with Mr. Stan Routh ,  nationally recognized illustrator  to begin artist renderings on potential renovations  to the Heritage Hall (church) and the  Activity Center (Gym).

We have spoken with Brad Guerin, Architect  he has  volunteer to do any drawings we need  for renovations pro bono. As  soon as we reach a decisions on what to do and have  drawings to obtain permits and  some idea what funds we  will have  we will be  starting that process.  We hope to do as much of that with  community volunteers.  Steve Toups, Contractor who lives at Bayou Pigeon, has  said  he  will help as much as he can. He is a talented remodel expert.  hoping to start something by mid year.

If anyone has a talent and wants to help with future renovations, please contact me at 225 776 2686  or Chris Daigle at 225 776 4122.

Our next Board of Directors meeting is at Heritage Hall, this  Sunday at 5 p.m. Where we will start planning our schedule  and organizing some initial action items. However if anyone from General Public who receives this message or hears about the Board meeting and wants to come provide input, they are  invited.  One caveat, if you want to comment, you have to be a  voting member, which requires paying your annual dues.  We can collect them right there.

 Not waiting on Sunday, we will start general cleanup every Saturday in January.   Chris  and I will be there at 8am this Saturday.  We are praying that some brave Bayou Pigeon Facebook friends will show up to help us and bring some tools to help clean up the outside.  Of  course in the event of bad  weather, we will start cleaning the inside. Please bring any tools that will facilitate general clean up with you, ie., brooms, vacuum cleaners, extension cords, trailers to haul trash, etc.  I think Chris is bringing his lawn mower.

Membership Drive

We have not been having people  rushing to pay dues and become official Charter members. We are  doing this  for the community to rejunvate the community and Esprit  De Corps of Bayou Pigeon in general.  We realize we just have finished the holidays, but it is time to step up to challenge.  We recruiting brochures  available contact any officer or board of director to get hard  copies. If every member took a brochures and  signed up one family member or friend you would be doing your fair share.

We are looking into governments grants available to the BPHA as  a 501c3 non profit.  If anyone in  social media world has Grant application writing  skills please contact me (Cliff LeGrange 225 776 2686)  or Chris Daigle 225 776 4122)

In  closing

Bayou Pigeon friends if you have not viewed our web site ( http://www.bayoupigeon.com) and looked  at our two videos, (https://explee.com/video/molqvym)

Please do so,  they are very educational, undertand the Heritage  we are trying document and preserve. Show it your teen age school children.

If you have not paid your dues to join this Bayou Pigeon Heritage group please  consider joining ASAP.  

Become a life time member and receive a free copy of the  award winning "Bayou Pigeon, La. , Spirit of the Atchafalaya book".

Become a Benefactor member and receive a free copy of the new book "Heritage of the Atchafalaya - A Natural and Cultural History of The  Atchafalaya Basin".

The  interest in  the and participation  in Christmas parade sponsored by Chasity Easley , proved there is a lot of interest in reviving traditions  and culture in the Bayou Pigeon community.

Save our community bu joining Bayou Pigeon Heritage  Association

For the Together Eveyone  Achieves More

Chachie  ( web site adminstrator_

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